Saturday, 27 February 2021

[Glam Affair] Raisa Skin Applier for Lelutka Evolution Head New** @Uber
Superb skin applier available with shape included. Here wear in River Head. In tones 2, 4 to 10 included and lots of makeups

LeLUTKA River Head 2.5 New** @Lelutka mainstore
Superb Update of River head

Tableau Vivant // Water Lilly Gacha Dropping Hair and Water Lillies Rare New** @The Arcade Gacha
Wonderful Gacha with 3 Hair versions and 1 Rare (3 leaves and 3 water lillies). Commons include one Hair, one Hud, non rigged Hair. Packs are Black & White, Blondes, Reds, Fades and Colors (no trnasfer and no mod)

[Glam Affair] Luna Eyes Applier (BOM) past FLF @Glam Affair mainstore

{Le Fil Cassé} Vidara Fishnet Set New** @FaMESHed X
Wonderful Set for Maitreya Lara, Petite, Freya, Legacy, Perky and Kupra. In 20 colors and fatpacks fully customizable

LaGyo Love and Roses New** @Kustom9
Wonderful set with Love facepiece (3 metals), Love Earrings (3 metals) and Rose Headpiece in in 12 colors with Hud

Ana Poses Parachute New** @Shiny Shabby
Wonderful set of 5 Static Poses. Copy and modify

Milk Motion Water Lillies (Picnic at the Water´s Edge) @Milk Motion mainstore

Bolson Tattoo @Bolson mainstore

Lode Oleander Branch @Shiny Shabby


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